Our PTO Board and Coordinators
Schultz Elementary PTO is dedicated to making this school the best place for our students and teachers. We are made up of parent volunteers with the strong desire to achieve the goals set out each year for the Schultz Elementary community. Interested in open board positions? Contact us!
PTO Position Descriptions
ExEcutive board members
President - Angela Johnson | schultzpto@gmail.com
Vice President I - Jill Johnston | Membership | schultzptovp1@gmail.com
Vice President II - Sabrina Sarabia | Fundraising
Secretary/Parliamentarian - Carrie Walkup | schultzptosecretary@gmail.com
Treasurer - OPEN | schultztreasurerpto@gmail.com
Volunteer Coordinator - Jade Ollison
Bilingual Coordinators - Lisa Gonzalez & Oscar Ugalde
Hospitality Coordinators - OPEN
5th Grade Appreciation - Renee Deniston
Spirit Night Coordinator - Tina Pelletier
WatchDogs Coordinator - Michael Johnson
Special Events Coordinator - Courtney Irvan
PTO Meeting Minutes